Friday, September 27, 2002
Pocket Informant - something wicked this way comes
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:30 AM
Pocket Informant 3.3 is about ready to go and it has a few new features. The coolest is what Mr. Kac calls "Month Inline View." I can't explain it, so I'll show it to you.

The image on the left is the normal month view. On the right is the new inline month view. When you tap on a date (Oct 2 in my example) it blows that day up so you can see the details and expands the rest of the days in that week so you can see their timeline better. You can close the day by tapping the little triangle in the upper right or tap on another day to see that one. Very cool. There are also some new time editors that turbo-charge the functionality of the previous editors. Images available via the "More..." link below.

This is the new time picker.

By tapping the blue arrow in the Time Picker above, you get the duration picker.
Pocket Informant 3.3 is about ready to go and it has a few new features. The coolest is what Mr. Kac calls "Month Inline View." I can't explain it, so I'll show it to you.

The image on the left is the normal month view. On the right is the new inline month view. When you tap on a date (Oct 2 in my example) it blows that day up so you can see the details and expands the rest of the days in that week so you can see their timeline better. You can close the day by tapping the little triangle in the upper right or tap on another day to see that one. Very cool. There are also some new time editors that turbo-charge the functionality of the previous editors. Images available via the "More..." link below.

This is the new time picker.

By tapping the blue arrow in the Time Picker above, you get the duration picker.