Sunday, September 22, 2002
Pocket Artist 2.03
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:00 AM
(affiliate link) I am not an artist and in no way qualified to review this powerful product. I really just wanted an app that would let me resize images, crop, brighten/darken, etc. on my Pocket PC. I use Paint Shop Pro 7.04 on my desktop and probably use 10% of its features. I can't even figure out how to draw a basic square in the color of my choosing with it. So drawing with Pocket Artist really never crossed my mind.

Well, I sat down one day and started playing with it. The image above is the first complete image I have ever done with it, and I never really practiced before doing this. I did use UNDO quite a few times and once or twice had to revert to a version on my PC. Everything was done with tools that come with Pocket Artist except for the stars. I found some star freeware brushes somewhere on the Internet for Adobe Photoshop. Pocket Artist can use Photoshop brushes and gradients. I don't even know what a Gradient is (I know the term, I don't know how it is used in graphics packages) but I know how to use a brush.
Once you spend a few minutes with Pocket Artist, things start to make sense, and I enjoy just doodling with my hand rather than moving a mouse around on the screen. I showed it to a lady in our graphics department at work and she was quite impressed at what it offered, with many common Photoshop features. If you have any artistic tendencies, I recommend you give Pocket Artist a try. I'll still use it predominately for the features listed above, but it is nice to just relax for a few minutes and throw something together.
(affiliate link) I am not an artist and in no way qualified to review this powerful product. I really just wanted an app that would let me resize images, crop, brighten/darken, etc. on my Pocket PC. I use Paint Shop Pro 7.04 on my desktop and probably use 10% of its features. I can't even figure out how to draw a basic square in the color of my choosing with it. So drawing with Pocket Artist really never crossed my mind.

Well, I sat down one day and started playing with it. The image above is the first complete image I have ever done with it, and I never really practiced before doing this. I did use UNDO quite a few times and once or twice had to revert to a version on my PC. Everything was done with tools that come with Pocket Artist except for the stars. I found some star freeware brushes somewhere on the Internet for Adobe Photoshop. Pocket Artist can use Photoshop brushes and gradients. I don't even know what a Gradient is (I know the term, I don't know how it is used in graphics packages) but I know how to use a brush.
Once you spend a few minutes with Pocket Artist, things start to make sense, and I enjoy just doodling with my hand rather than moving a mouse around on the screen. I showed it to a lady in our graphics department at work and she was quite impressed at what it offered, with many common Photoshop features. If you have any artistic tendencies, I recommend you give Pocket Artist a try. I'll still use it predominately for the features listed above, but it is nice to just relax for a few minutes and throw something together.