Friday, September 20, 2002
Sigh... it just isn't the same
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 01:30 PM
I was so pumped when my kids were watching Sponge Bob Square Pants (now there is a show that will suck IQ points from your head) and saw a commercial for Speed Racer. Woo hoo! Speed Racer back on TV! So, I sat down Sunday afternoon to watch it. Friends, I've seen Speed Racer. I know Speed Racer. This isn't Speed Racer. Some 1990/2000 remake. The mouths actually come close to being in sync with the words. What's that about? I wonder if they will be putting the old collection on DVD anytime soon?
I was so pumped when my kids were watching Sponge Bob Square Pants (now there is a show that will suck IQ points from your head) and saw a commercial for Speed Racer. Woo hoo! Speed Racer back on TV! So, I sat down Sunday afternoon to watch it. Friends, I've seen Speed Racer. I know Speed Racer. This isn't Speed Racer. Some 1990/2000 remake. The mouths actually come close to being in sync with the words. What's that about? I wonder if they will be putting the old collection on DVD anytime soon?