Monday, September 9, 2002
No update today
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 10:23 PM
Sorry guys, but in the battle between my promised Monday post and an overdue chapter for the digital video book, the book won. Let me lay one rumour to rest: no, I'm not going to abandon the site and work for Brighthand. I should be able to get to the post tomorrow, but it's somehow turned into something bigger than I meant it to be - it's simply a statement and clarification of how I want to see this site develop, and steps I'm going to take to make it so. No earth-shattering announcement, so you can stop hitting refresh on this page now. 
Psst...the new editor on Brighthand won't be Wes, or any of the Pocket PC webmasters. I'm willing to bet it will be someone from the Palm side of the fence, and I'm not sure what that will mean for the Pocket PC community there.

Psst...the new editor on Brighthand won't be Wes, or any of the Pocket PC webmasters. I'm willing to bet it will be someone from the Palm side of the fence, and I'm not sure what that will mean for the Pocket PC community there.