Tuesday, September 10, 2002
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SITES & RESOURCES" @ 10:00 AM
This site has been around for a few months but I never registered. They wanted way too much personal information. Well, it seems they listened! Now they only want four pieces of info - your userID, password, country and zip code. Very reasonable.

It will sniff for your browser and automagically give you a fantastic site for your Pocket PC browser. I used it tonight over a GPRS connection to find the eBay PDA/wireless site. Very fast. Very easy to use. It has dozens if not hundreds of sites optimized for use on the Pocket PC. I highly recommend you head over there on your Pocket PC and make this one of your favorites.
This site has been around for a few months but I never registered. They wanted way too much personal information. Well, it seems they listened! Now they only want four pieces of info - your userID, password, country and zip code. Very reasonable.

It will sniff for your browser and automagically give you a fantastic site for your Pocket PC browser. I used it tonight over a GPRS connection to find the eBay PDA/wireless site. Very fast. Very easy to use. It has dozens if not hundreds of sites optimized for use on the Pocket PC. I highly recommend you head over there on your Pocket PC and make this one of your favorites.