Tuesday, August 27, 2002
Smartphones to trump PDA Phones?
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "ARTICLE" @ 10:30 AM
This has been going through my mind since I saw my first Stinger prototype back in late 2000. What do I want? For a PDA to be useful, it has to have a screen large enough to use. 320X240 is about as small as you can go realistically. But that means a 3 inch screen and that mandates a pretty large device when compared to a cell phone. Foo Fighter sends in this link that seems to be right on point with my personal concerns about an all in one device. The Pocket PC Phone is not for everyone, no more than a Pocket PC + cell phone is right for everyone. This report projects that ultimately, smartphones will outnumber wireless PDAs by a 2:1 margin in 2006.

What do you think? I sort of feel like the odd man out not having or desperately seeking the T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone. Personally, I crave a bluetooth enabled Smartphone 2002 device that I can slip in my pocket but still use to get my iPAQ online when I want to do some heavy duty lifting. I'll probably be in the two device camp for some time to come.
This has been going through my mind since I saw my first Stinger prototype back in late 2000. What do I want? For a PDA to be useful, it has to have a screen large enough to use. 320X240 is about as small as you can go realistically. But that means a 3 inch screen and that mandates a pretty large device when compared to a cell phone. Foo Fighter sends in this link that seems to be right on point with my personal concerns about an all in one device. The Pocket PC Phone is not for everyone, no more than a Pocket PC + cell phone is right for everyone. This report projects that ultimately, smartphones will outnumber wireless PDAs by a 2:1 margin in 2006.

What do you think? I sort of feel like the odd man out not having or desperately seeking the T-Mobile Pocket PC Phone. Personally, I crave a bluetooth enabled Smartphone 2002 device that I can slip in my pocket but still use to get my iPAQ online when I want to do some heavy duty lifting. I'll probably be in the two device camp for some time to come.