Wednesday, July 17, 2002
Ok people, here's how quoting works
Posted by Jason Dunn in "UPDATE" @ 09:17 AM
After manually correcting the 100th broken quote today (including ones by my own team), I thought perhaps I should explain how it works so you can fix them yourselves.
There are two elements to the quote: the start tag and the end tag. These are inserted automatically, but it seems that when people are editing their message they are getting "broken". The start tag will look like this (I added a space after the [ so the code wouldn't work, you'd delete that space): [ quote="dwprice"] - notice that there needs to be quotes around the username that you're referencing. The end tag is equally simple: [/quote]. The problems I'm seeing most often are people missing a " after or before the user name, and a missing [ at the end. I hope this helps clear things up for everyone!