Saturday, July 6, 2002
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:00 AM
TAPandGO is a Fusion POOL company that is dedicated to bring real world solutions to the Pocket PC. Their first application is called mcBANK, a financial software package for your Pocket PC that requires no desktop program. Their focus will be working with enterprises developing custom solutions, so if you are in need of an application to enable your mobile users with more power than just PIM, but lack the on-staff IT personel, you should check TAPandGO out.
TAPandGO is a Fusion POOL company that is dedicated to bring real world solutions to the Pocket PC. Their first application is called mcBANK, a financial software package for your Pocket PC that requires no desktop program. Their focus will be working with enterprises developing custom solutions, so if you are in need of an application to enable your mobile users with more power than just PIM, but lack the on-staff IT personel, you should check TAPandGO out.