Tuesday, July 2, 2002
The Xentex Flip-Pad Voyager
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 01:50 PM
There's a trend in the laptop world to make things lighter and smaller - generally, that's a good thing. Xentex, however, has other ideas: the Flip-Pad Voyager is a monster of a laptop, boasting a 20" screen that actually comes in two pieces. It also has four USB ports, Ethernet, modem, two PCMCIA slots, firewire, and many other features (including a staggering $4995 US price tag). I've never seen anything like this before, and in my book that makes it very cool - I love seeing traditional boundaries shattered and remade into something new (part of the reason I'm excited about the Tablet PC).

Source: LockerGnome Tech Specialist. And if anyone is interested in buying one of these, let me know first, and I'll sign up as an affiliate.
There's a trend in the laptop world to make things lighter and smaller - generally, that's a good thing. Xentex, however, has other ideas: the Flip-Pad Voyager is a monster of a laptop, boasting a 20" screen that actually comes in two pieces. It also has four USB ports, Ethernet, modem, two PCMCIA slots, firewire, and many other features (including a staggering $4995 US price tag). I've never seen anything like this before, and in my book that makes it very cool - I love seeing traditional boundaries shattered and remade into something new (part of the reason I'm excited about the Tablet PC).

Source: LockerGnome Tech Specialist. And if anyone is interested in buying one of these, let me know first, and I'll sign up as an affiliate.