Tuesday, June 25, 2002
Loving geek gear needs new home
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 06:29 AM
There comes a time in every geek's life when he has to take a look around and say "Gee whiz, I have a lot of tech gear that I don't use. I should sell it and get all new tech gear that I probably won't use either." It's part of the natural order of things.
My friends, it's that time in my life. After moving into the new house a few months ago, and slowly getting my basement office organized, I've come to the frank realization that I have WAY too much gear that I don't use. It's fire sale time! Ashley and I spent many hours on Saturday, Sunday, and a few today putting up over 50 items on eBay.
All sorts of tech gear: D-Link Residental Gateway, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Office XP Standard and Professional, both upgrades and full versions, Publisher 2002, FrontPage 2002, USB IrDA adaptor, Sandisk MultiMediaCard Reader, U.are.U biometric fingerprint scanner, iPAQ Stowaway keyboard, MARGI Presenter-to-Go PCMCIA card, Socket Digital Phone card for Samsung phones, Macromedia Flash 4, ANYCOM Bluetooth CF card, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, Casio CF digital camera, some older bSquare bundles (bUSEFUL, bPRODUCTIVE HPC, bPRODUCITVE Palm-size PC), 10 gig laptop hard drive, laptop RAM, and much more. Heck, there's even an NT 4.0 Terminal Server with a 10 client license!
The scary part is that I kept most of the review products for a Thoughts contest I'm planning - this is the "extra" stuff.
My gear needs a new home, so go check it out - thanks!
There comes a time in every geek's life when he has to take a look around and say "Gee whiz, I have a lot of tech gear that I don't use. I should sell it and get all new tech gear that I probably won't use either." It's part of the natural order of things.

All sorts of tech gear: D-Link Residental Gateway, Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, Office XP Standard and Professional, both upgrades and full versions, Publisher 2002, FrontPage 2002, USB IrDA adaptor, Sandisk MultiMediaCard Reader, U.are.U biometric fingerprint scanner, iPAQ Stowaway keyboard, MARGI Presenter-to-Go PCMCIA card, Socket Digital Phone card for Samsung phones, Macromedia Flash 4, ANYCOM Bluetooth CF card, Adobe Acrobat 4.0, Casio CF digital camera, some older bSquare bundles (bUSEFUL, bPRODUCTIVE HPC, bPRODUCITVE Palm-size PC), 10 gig laptop hard drive, laptop RAM, and much more. Heck, there's even an NT 4.0 Terminal Server with a 10 client license!
The scary part is that I kept most of the review products for a Thoughts contest I'm planning - this is the "extra" stuff.