Sunday, June 23, 2002
You're...a bunch of animals!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 11:54 AM
People, people, people.
When I posted about the hilarious Triumph the Dog Star Wars event, I thought I'd save the guy who had the original file some bandwidth by hosting the file here, and give you all a good laugh. It was 17.2 megs in size, so I figured I'd burn through maybe a dozen gigs of download bandwidth when some of you downloaded it. Looking at the log files from last month and so far this month, guess how much bandwidth you ate up just on that one file? 282 gigabytes. Boys and girls, that's 282,000 megabytes of data transfer in less than 22 days (roughly 16,395 downloads)!
If I didn't have such a wonderful, kind, and generous hosting sponsor in Sonic Mobility, I probably would have had the plug pulled on my server. Yes, I know that it's my own fault for putting up a 17.2 meg video file, but come on - how many people did you send the URL to?
Let me bust into some Internet theory here for a second: the Internet succeeds because it's based on distributed computing. Multiple nodes share the load. One node doing all the heavy lifting is bad. So instead of sending everyone the URL to download it, as good little nodes you should have put it up on your own servers, or sent it to your fellow nodes via instant messaging. 
At any rate, I though you might be interested in the sheer volume of bandwidth that file consumed. I've since deleted the file off the server because the bandwidth drain wasn't slowing down - it seems that the URL has been spread a little far and wide.
UPDATE: No, I'm not actually criticising any of you for downloading this file. It's free, it's funny, so of course you're going to download it! I just wanted to let you know how much traffic this one file generated. In the words of Triumph, "I kid, I kid!"

If I didn't have such a wonderful, kind, and generous hosting sponsor in Sonic Mobility, I probably would have had the plug pulled on my server. Yes, I know that it's my own fault for putting up a 17.2 meg video file, but come on - how many people did you send the URL to?

At any rate, I though you might be interested in the sheer volume of bandwidth that file consumed. I've since deleted the file off the server because the bandwidth drain wasn't slowing down - it seems that the URL has been spread a little far and wide.
UPDATE: No, I'm not actually criticising any of you for downloading this file. It's free, it's funny, so of course you're going to download it! I just wanted to let you know how much traffic this one file generated. In the words of Triumph, "I kid, I kid!"