Friday, June 14, 2002
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 07:45 AM
Looking to ditch those yellow sticky notes once and for all? This looks like a very innovative approach to that problem.

"PocketStickey is sticky notes for your Pocket PC. Sometimes it's inconvenient to take memos because Pocket PC supports only single window. However, with PocketStickey you can open many windows upon today screen or any application, write quick memos and keep them stay always on top. PocketStickey supports read/write PocketWordFile, RichInk, PlainText. In addition, you can open Memos of Appointments, Tasks and Contacts. And you can insert a filename as Hyper-link."
You can download a free trial version or purchase the full version from Handango for $15.95. (affiliate link)
Looking to ditch those yellow sticky notes once and for all? This looks like a very innovative approach to that problem.

"PocketStickey is sticky notes for your Pocket PC. Sometimes it's inconvenient to take memos because Pocket PC supports only single window. However, with PocketStickey you can open many windows upon today screen or any application, write quick memos and keep them stay always on top. PocketStickey supports read/write PocketWordFile, RichInk, PlainText. In addition, you can open Memos of Appointments, Tasks and Contacts. And you can insert a filename as Hyper-link."
You can download a free trial version or purchase the full version from Handango for $15.95. (affiliate link)