Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Looking for A Free Screen Capture Utility?
Posted by Brad Adrian in "SOFTWARE" @ 08:38 AM
I'm not sure if this product is new to you, but it's the answer to a request I hear all the time for a free screen capture utility.

Epiphan Consulting's CECapture simply places an icon on the bottom of your Pocket PC screen, which you tap in order to capture the current screen. It then saves the capture as an uncompressed bitmap to the \My Documents directory. It's not a completely flexible solution, but the price sure is right.
I'm not sure if this product is new to you, but it's the answer to a request I hear all the time for a free screen capture utility.

Epiphan Consulting's CECapture simply places an icon on the bottom of your Pocket PC screen, which you tap in order to capture the current screen. It then saves the capture as an uncompressed bitmap to the \My Documents directory. It's not a completely flexible solution, but the price sure is right.