Monday, June 10, 2002
Posted by marlof in "ARTICLE" @ 11:31 AM
I've been using WebLiquid, the program that enables you to use Web Services on your Pocket PC, for some time now. As Andy told you before, he and his pal Chris Forsberg wrote this program as part of their business anyplace experience.
If I had to name one thing that makes me like WebLiquid a lot: it offers the fastest way to view Pocket PC Thoughts when you're on the road. It is very low on bandwidth, which should please the GPRS users out there. Where refreshing the current (relatively small) front page costs you 17.3 KB of upload and 75.4 KB of download in Pocket Internet Explorer, the same page in WebLiquid costs you 4.1 KB of upload and 18.9 KB of download. What's the difference? You can't see the pictures, and you can't see or get to the comments. These limitations cause the low bandwith. This low bandwith is similar as downloading the page without images in Pocket Internet Explorer. But in my experience the speed of WebLiquid downloading the page and having the content ready for viewing is much faster. A complete refresh of this webpage took me 24 seconds in WebLiquid and 40 seconds in Pocket Internet Explorer (without images). If all you want to do is to read the front page text only, nothing beats WebLiquid speed.

Right now Andy and Chris added a new webservice to their list which makes it even harder for me to stay away from WebLiquid: World Cup Soccer scores! I love checking the scores of my favorite team, no matter where I am. And how about that Team USA, huh? ;)
Especially if you have a wirelessly connected device, or even if you just have a desktop Internet connection and Pocket PC 2002 Activesync desktop passthrough, WebLiquid comes highly recommended. And not just because it's Andy, but because getting fresh info on your Pocket PC through Web Services simply rocks! So go to Handango, and buy it for $19.95 [affiliate link], or download the trial version.
I've been using WebLiquid, the program that enables you to use Web Services on your Pocket PC, for some time now. As Andy told you before, he and his pal Chris Forsberg wrote this program as part of their business anyplace experience.
If I had to name one thing that makes me like WebLiquid a lot: it offers the fastest way to view Pocket PC Thoughts when you're on the road. It is very low on bandwidth, which should please the GPRS users out there. Where refreshing the current (relatively small) front page costs you 17.3 KB of upload and 75.4 KB of download in Pocket Internet Explorer, the same page in WebLiquid costs you 4.1 KB of upload and 18.9 KB of download. What's the difference? You can't see the pictures, and you can't see or get to the comments. These limitations cause the low bandwith. This low bandwith is similar as downloading the page without images in Pocket Internet Explorer. But in my experience the speed of WebLiquid downloading the page and having the content ready for viewing is much faster. A complete refresh of this webpage took me 24 seconds in WebLiquid and 40 seconds in Pocket Internet Explorer (without images). If all you want to do is to read the front page text only, nothing beats WebLiquid speed.

Right now Andy and Chris added a new webservice to their list which makes it even harder for me to stay away from WebLiquid: World Cup Soccer scores! I love checking the scores of my favorite team, no matter where I am. And how about that Team USA, huh? ;)
Especially if you have a wirelessly connected device, or even if you just have a desktop Internet connection and Pocket PC 2002 Activesync desktop passthrough, WebLiquid comes highly recommended. And not just because it's Andy, but because getting fresh info on your Pocket PC through Web Services simply rocks! So go to Handango, and buy it for $19.95 [affiliate link], or download the trial version.