Wednesday, June 5, 2002
Vaja iVolution Case
Posted by Jason Dunn in "HARDWARE" @ 09:38 AM
Two words can be used to describe the new iVolution cases from Vaja: "beautiful" and "expensive". The word you utter first when you look at the photo below and realize the price is $150 will place you in one of two camps: you either want a top-tier product and cost isn't a factor, or you're looking for something more affordable. Vaja has truly out-done themselves with this case: you don't often think of "hard shell case" and "soft leather" as being compatible, but Vaja did it. Vaja offers a dozen leather options, and the three layers of ABS protection will shield your iPAQ from most types of harm.

"Vaja renewed the leather cases concept. The new I-Volution line has a unique, semi-rigid new design consisting of three ABS layers that have been integrated with the lid, which turns our original leather cases into a new semi-rigid product, enhancing even more the safety and protection against bumps and drops you want for your Ipaq..." <!>

The case is truly a work of art - smooth lines, feels great, and fits the iPAQ with incredible precision.

The case fits the iPAQ almost like a sleeve - it "locks" in at the bottom and is very snug - no danger of the iPAQ falling out.

The dual SD slots are handy for carrying your memory cards around. SD cards are easy to get in and out - no struggling or fumbling.
Vaja has a great information page that shows more details on how the case was designed. This case was engineered rather than designed, and that's an important distinction. It's all about precision with a case of this calibre, and Vaja doesn't disappoint.
I truly adore this case - it's top-quality in every way, including the UltraClip. At $150, it's quite expensive and not something I'd reccomend for the average Pocket PC user, but if spending that much on a case doesn't make you blink then this case is for you.
If you're looking for a good quality case at a fraction of the price, take a look here - otherwise, the iVolution case is the one for you.
Two words can be used to describe the new iVolution cases from Vaja: "beautiful" and "expensive". The word you utter first when you look at the photo below and realize the price is $150 will place you in one of two camps: you either want a top-tier product and cost isn't a factor, or you're looking for something more affordable. Vaja has truly out-done themselves with this case: you don't often think of "hard shell case" and "soft leather" as being compatible, but Vaja did it. Vaja offers a dozen leather options, and the three layers of ABS protection will shield your iPAQ from most types of harm.

"Vaja renewed the leather cases concept. The new I-Volution line has a unique, semi-rigid new design consisting of three ABS layers that have been integrated with the lid, which turns our original leather cases into a new semi-rigid product, enhancing even more the safety and protection against bumps and drops you want for your Ipaq..." <!>

The case is truly a work of art - smooth lines, feels great, and fits the iPAQ with incredible precision.

The case fits the iPAQ almost like a sleeve - it "locks" in at the bottom and is very snug - no danger of the iPAQ falling out.

The dual SD slots are handy for carrying your memory cards around. SD cards are easy to get in and out - no struggling or fumbling.
Vaja has a great information page that shows more details on how the case was designed. This case was engineered rather than designed, and that's an important distinction. It's all about precision with a case of this calibre, and Vaja doesn't disappoint.
I truly adore this case - it's top-quality in every way, including the UltraClip. At $150, it's quite expensive and not something I'd reccomend for the average Pocket PC user, but if spending that much on a case doesn't make you blink then this case is for you.
If you're looking for a good quality case at a fraction of the price, take a look here - otherwise, the iVolution case is the one for you.