Sunday, May 26, 2002
Memorial Day 2002
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "OFF-TOPIC" @ 02:00 PM
By the time this posts, many of you will be well into enjoying a 3 day weekend, myself included. The Indianapolis 500 will have concluded and I'll be on my way back.

We need to step back though and remember why this day is important. It isn't to take a break from work, or even to gather with friends and family for some good fellowship. It is to remember those that serve and served our country. It is because of men and women that have died or are ready to die for our country that allows us the freedoms we have. This year that means more to me than ever before.
September 11, 2001 is a day that I and millions of others will remember for the rest of our lives. I recall more details about that day, where I was and what I was doing than I recall about last weekend. One of the most poignant memories are the scenes and reports of the firemen and policemen of New York city risking their lives for the citizens in those towers.
Soon after the attack, so many countries around the world, so many that I dare not try to name them at the risk of omitting some, gave their support to the United States, support that came in many forms, support that we are extremely grateful for. On Monday, take a minute out of your day and remember the human element of that support. Whether they serve on foreign soil or patrol the neighborhood, today or one hundred years ago, those men and women have sworn their lives for the rest of us and on occasion, they have had to make good on that promise. I just wanted to say thanks.<!>

We need to step back though and remember why this day is important. It isn't to take a break from work, or even to gather with friends and family for some good fellowship. It is to remember those that serve and served our country. It is because of men and women that have died or are ready to die for our country that allows us the freedoms we have. This year that means more to me than ever before.
September 11, 2001 is a day that I and millions of others will remember for the rest of our lives. I recall more details about that day, where I was and what I was doing than I recall about last weekend. One of the most poignant memories are the scenes and reports of the firemen and policemen of New York city risking their lives for the citizens in those towers.
Soon after the attack, so many countries around the world, so many that I dare not try to name them at the risk of omitting some, gave their support to the United States, support that came in many forms, support that we are extremely grateful for. On Monday, take a minute out of your day and remember the human element of that support. Whether they serve on foreign soil or patrol the neighborhood, today or one hundred years ago, those men and women have sworn their lives for the rest of us and on occasion, they have had to make good on that promise. I just wanted to say thanks.<!>