Thursday, May 16, 2002
Keep your PIM data with you, leave your Pocket PC at home
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "HARDWARE" @ 05:06 AM
I rarely go anywhere without my Pocket PC, but there are times when it is best left at home or in the car. And it never fails. I run into someone I know and they ask about lunch or some weekend get together and I have no clue what my schedule looks like.

Fossil may have the solution, a watch that synchronizes with your PDA. Right now it only supports IR beaming with Palm, but a Pocket PC version is on the way. It will store your contacts, tasks, appointments and notes. It isn't perfect though. It is a read-only device so you cannot make changes or add new info, it is a bit bulky and the UI still needs some work, but this is a good start. In a way it reminds me of the now defunct REX devices. Those were PCMCIA sized PDA's that were primarly read only. The problem was you still had to have a pocket to carry your info around. With this watch, you can wear it at the beach with no worries. Let's hope Fossil continues with this product line reducing the size and making the UI more user friendly.
I rarely go anywhere without my Pocket PC, but there are times when it is best left at home or in the car. And it never fails. I run into someone I know and they ask about lunch or some weekend get together and I have no clue what my schedule looks like.

Fossil may have the solution, a watch that synchronizes with your PDA. Right now it only supports IR beaming with Palm, but a Pocket PC version is on the way. It will store your contacts, tasks, appointments and notes. It isn't perfect though. It is a read-only device so you cannot make changes or add new info, it is a bit bulky and the UI still needs some work, but this is a good start. In a way it reminds me of the now defunct REX devices. Those were PCMCIA sized PDA's that were primarly read only. The problem was you still had to have a pocket to carry your info around. With this watch, you can wear it at the beach with no worries. Let's hope Fossil continues with this product line reducing the size and making the UI more user friendly.