Sunday, May 12, 2002
Agenda Fusion 4.2 update
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 03:57 PM
DeveloperOne has released an update for one of the most powerful PIM programs on the market today. This release focuses specifically on improving the tasks interface. If you're in need of a powerful information management tool, Agenda Fusion is worth looking at.

"Now manage your tasks better than ever before! With our new and drastically improved Agenda Fusion Tasks View, even those who've struggled with managing all of their to-do items now have the perfect solution!
Easily expand/collapse all group nodes, it even remembers the groups you had open for each group type to let you quickly jump from one grouping to another without losing your place! Tasks: Tap/hold menu expanded to allow completion and change of due date. Templates: All tap/hold menus (on date displays) now feature both "New Task" and "New Task from Template" entries (also for appointments) for those using templates but do not always wish to be prompted to use one when creating a new item. Additional Category Icons: Over 30 new category icons added from user submissions, submit yours today!"
You can download a trial version of Agenda Fusion or purchase the full version for $19.99. (affiliate link)
DeveloperOne has released an update for one of the most powerful PIM programs on the market today. This release focuses specifically on improving the tasks interface. If you're in need of a powerful information management tool, Agenda Fusion is worth looking at.

"Now manage your tasks better than ever before! With our new and drastically improved Agenda Fusion Tasks View, even those who've struggled with managing all of their to-do items now have the perfect solution!
Easily expand/collapse all group nodes, it even remembers the groups you had open for each group type to let you quickly jump from one grouping to another without losing your place! Tasks: Tap/hold menu expanded to allow completion and change of due date. Templates: All tap/hold menus (on date displays) now feature both "New Task" and "New Task from Template" entries (also for appointments) for those using templates but do not always wish to be prompted to use one when creating a new item. Additional Category Icons: Over 30 new category icons added from user submissions, submit yours today!"
You can download a trial version of Agenda Fusion or purchase the full version for $19.99. (affiliate link)