Monday, May 6, 2002
Pocket PC market getting more respect?
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "THOUGHT" @ 05:35 AM
Adam Lein wrote in to tell us that the MSN Mobile channel - on your Pocket PC - has been redone to look like its big brother on the desktop PC. Hotmail also seems to be easier to use. This is expected from Microsoft since the Pocket PC is their product too, but the truth is the MSN Mobile site has looked like something straight out of 1995 and Hotmail hasn't exactly been Pocket Internet Explorer friendly, not to mention the times MS has upgraded Hotmail only to break Pocket PC access for a few weeks.

Of course, the best thing would be to get a browser on Pocket PC's capable of understanding IE 4+ code, and when Pocket PC's finally get CE .NET underneath, PIE 5.5 will be there. Until then, the larger market share and increasing userbase of Pocket PC owners using wireless connections will help coax some web masters to be mindful of these little devices, which is good news for Pocket PC users everywhere.

Of course, the best thing would be to get a browser on Pocket PC's capable of understanding IE 4+ code, and when Pocket PC's finally get CE .NET underneath, PIE 5.5 will be there. Until then, the larger market share and increasing userbase of Pocket PC owners using wireless connections will help coax some web masters to be mindful of these little devices, which is good news for Pocket PC users everywhere.