Friday, April 5, 2002
Fritz rules the world
Posted by Andy Sjostrom in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:36 AM
Oh my! This post is LOONG overdue! Since a couple of months I have had the sheer joy and privilege of using the ultimate chess engine called Shredder, all dressed up in a fresh Pocket PC client: Pocket Fritz.
Shredder won the world computer chess championships in 1999 and 2000. It is an extremely fast AND strong player.
Pocket Fritz has all the features you'd expect in a world-class chess program: tactics training (the second image below!), setup position, game analysis, different game play options, and so on. The chess world has agreed on a standard file format of saved chess games called PGN (Portable Game Notation). All championship games, and more, are available as PGN games. Pocket Fritz can access and open these great games and even connect to an online chess game database for searching among thousands of games.
If you consider yourself a serious chess player and love your Pocket PC, you really don't have a choice. Pocket Fritz rules!

UPDATE: My BEST regards to Mario Spina who sent me the full meal deal! Sorry it took so long to get this up here, but boy have I played! THANKS!
I apologize... I just have to entertain you with my vanity! I have even had my picture taken in a "chess setting"...
Oh my! This post is LOONG overdue! Since a couple of months I have had the sheer joy and privilege of using the ultimate chess engine called Shredder, all dressed up in a fresh Pocket PC client: Pocket Fritz.
Shredder won the world computer chess championships in 1999 and 2000. It is an extremely fast AND strong player.
Pocket Fritz has all the features you'd expect in a world-class chess program: tactics training (the second image below!), setup position, game analysis, different game play options, and so on. The chess world has agreed on a standard file format of saved chess games called PGN (Portable Game Notation). All championship games, and more, are available as PGN games. Pocket Fritz can access and open these great games and even connect to an online chess game database for searching among thousands of games.
If you consider yourself a serious chess player and love your Pocket PC, you really don't have a choice. Pocket Fritz rules!

UPDATE: My BEST regards to Mario Spina who sent me the full meal deal! Sorry it took so long to get this up here, but boy have I played! THANKS!
I apologize... I just have to entertain you with my vanity! I have even had my picture taken in a "chess setting"...