Monday, April 1, 2002
Pocket Informant 3.01 released
Posted by Ed Hansberry in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:39 AM
Less than a month ago, Pocket Informant 3.0 was released, a complete rewrite of one of the most popular Pocket PC applications ever released. Over the weekend, 3.01 was finalized and released. There were a number of bug fixes and quite a few new features too.

Just a few of the new features:
•Drag and Drop in Week View - just drag an appointment or task to a new day and change its date and time
•Birthday and Anniversary Dates gathered from the Contacts database
•ABC Tab in the Contacts view for quick access to contacts. Unique user interface improves the use of this tab
•Summary Dialogs are available for appointments, tasks, and contacts and are on by default
•Double tap on the Calendar View (CAV) tab and the view will maximize to use up all horizontal space.
•Use the Calendar button to cycle through calendar views (very useful with the above mentioned CAV Maximize feature)
•Task Sorting in Calendar
•More Task options in Calendar
•Category Filtering in Task Priority Manager
•Optional System Tray icon
Less than a month ago, Pocket Informant 3.0 was released, a complete rewrite of one of the most popular Pocket PC applications ever released. Over the weekend, 3.01 was finalized and released. There were a number of bug fixes and quite a few new features too.

Just a few of the new features:
•Drag and Drop in Week View - just drag an appointment or task to a new day and change its date and time
•Birthday and Anniversary Dates gathered from the Contacts database
•ABC Tab in the Contacts view for quick access to contacts. Unique user interface improves the use of this tab
•Summary Dialogs are available for appointments, tasks, and contacts and are on by default
•Double tap on the Calendar View (CAV) tab and the view will maximize to use up all horizontal space.
•Use the Calendar button to cycle through calendar views (very useful with the above mentioned CAV Maximize feature)
•Task Sorting in Calendar
•More Task options in Calendar
•Category Filtering in Task Priority Manager
•Optional System Tray icon