Sunday, March 10, 2002
From Pocket War to Dev Tracker
Posted by Andy Sjostrom in "DEVELOPER" @ 01:14 AM
MetalShard recently made the strategic turn based war game, Pocket War, available. While developing the game they used a Pocket PC application called Dev Tracker, to "keep up with the changes that were constantly being made to Pocket War". Now, MetalShard makes Dev Tracker available under both shareware and commercial terms. You can download and/or buy Dev Tracker from Handango.
MetalShard recently made the strategic turn based war game, Pocket War, available. While developing the game they used a Pocket PC application called Dev Tracker, to "keep up with the changes that were constantly being made to Pocket War". Now, MetalShard makes Dev Tracker available under both shareware and commercial terms. You can download and/or buy Dev Tracker from Handango.