Saturday, February 9, 2002
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 05:59 PM
Looking for a new way to look at your calendar information? This looks like it's worth checking out! I haven't have a chance to try it out yet, but it's cool to see developers working on something other than a Bubblets clone. ;-)

"VOCalendar allows users to graphically see their appointments a month at a time, with icons (pictures) associated with the appointments. Users can either choose from a list of provided icons or use their own in any of a number of popular formats, including BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF. VOCalendar will search the user's appointments, looking for specified keywords and displaying the appropriate icons, so "Meetings" appear as a handshake icon, "Doctor" appointments appear as a medical icon, etc. Clicking on an icon brings up the associated appointment or meeting in Pocket Outlook. Users can set their own keyword rules as well. Holiday icons for U.S., Christian, Jewish, Moslem and African holidays are included, and will only appear if the holidays are set in the users Outlook calendar. Additional holiday icons can be set by the user as icon rules."
The product is $19.99 and can be purchased from Handango (affiliate link above).
Looking for a new way to look at your calendar information? This looks like it's worth checking out! I haven't have a chance to try it out yet, but it's cool to see developers working on something other than a Bubblets clone. ;-)

"VOCalendar allows users to graphically see their appointments a month at a time, with icons (pictures) associated with the appointments. Users can either choose from a list of provided icons or use their own in any of a number of popular formats, including BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG and TIF. VOCalendar will search the user's appointments, looking for specified keywords and displaying the appropriate icons, so "Meetings" appear as a handshake icon, "Doctor" appointments appear as a medical icon, etc. Clicking on an icon brings up the associated appointment or meeting in Pocket Outlook. Users can set their own keyword rules as well. Holiday icons for U.S., Christian, Jewish, Moslem and African holidays are included, and will only appear if the holidays are set in the users Outlook calendar. Additional holiday icons can be set by the user as icon rules."
The product is $19.99 and can be purchased from Handango (affiliate link above).