Wednesday, February 6, 2002
Interstellar Flames coming soon to a galaxy near you
Posted by Jason Dunn in "SOFTWARE" @ 01:22 PM
Anyone else remember the Wing Commander series of PC games? This screen shot reminds of an earlier version. I hope it's easier to control than Wing Commander - by Wing Commander IV, I couldn't dogfight my way out of a paper bag. ;-)

"As a pilot for the rebellion against the evil galactic Imperium the salvation of the free universe is in your hands. Fly dangerous missions against huge imperial battle cruisers, dogfight with enemy fighters in asteroid fields, and destroy vital enemy installations."
• Wide variety of mission types and settings
• Huge selection of different ships and weapon systems
• A true polygon 3D engine with texture mapping and Gouraud shading
• Optimised in ARM assembler for maximum speed
Interstellar Flames will be released initially for the Compaq iPaq in March.
Anyone else remember the Wing Commander series of PC games? This screen shot reminds of an earlier version. I hope it's easier to control than Wing Commander - by Wing Commander IV, I couldn't dogfight my way out of a paper bag. ;-)

"As a pilot for the rebellion against the evil galactic Imperium the salvation of the free universe is in your hands. Fly dangerous missions against huge imperial battle cruisers, dogfight with enemy fighters in asteroid fields, and destroy vital enemy installations."
• Wide variety of mission types and settings
• Huge selection of different ships and weapon systems
• A true polygon 3D engine with texture mapping and Gouraud shading
• Optimised in ARM assembler for maximum speed
Interstellar Flames will be released initially for the Compaq iPaq in March.